C-Worthy (R) Help Librarian Data File Version 1.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1989. All Rights Reserved. Custom Design Systems, Inc. Orem, Utah USA. LOCAL LU CONFIGURATION DATA LU Name: The name (8 or fewer chacters) you create to identify local LU to NetWare LU6.2. Use only uppercase letters, numbers or the characters $, #, and @. The first character must not be numeric. PU Name: The name (8 or fewer chacters) you create to define the PU's network name. Use only uppercase letters, numbers or the characters $, #, and @. The first character must not be numeric. Page 1 of 6 LOCAL LU CONFIGURATION DATA Network Name: The name (8 or fewer chacters) you create to define the network name that contains the PU. It is used during XID negotiation with other type 2.1 nodes. Use only uppercase letters, numbers or the characters $, #, and @. The first character must not be numeric. Security Type: Grants or denies access to various levels of security the remote LU may need in order to verify the request for accessing the remote LU's programs. Page 2 of 6 LOCAL LU CONFIGURATION DATA Values are: 0 - Specifies no conversation-level security enabled. 1 - Instructs the remote LU to supply the pre-approved user ID with the security request. 2 - Instructs the remote LU to use whatever security information is in the domain of the program. If you use this value, you must also define the User ID and PassWord fields on this screen. User ID: The name (8 or fewer characters) you create to define the user ID. A user ID is required if a value of 2 is specified for Security Type. Page 3 of 6> LOCAL LU CONFIGURATION DATA Password: A string (8 or fewer characters) you create to define the end user's password. A password is required if you specified a value of 2 for Security Type. LU Local Address: The logical session number for the local LU. It must be in the range from 0 to the number of host sessions assigned to your workstation or server. Page 4 of 6; LOCAL LU CONFIGURATION DATA If the LU you are defining may engage in the host LU-LU sessions, use a non-zero value that corresponds to one of the host sessions you have customized to be a LU6.2 session for your workstation or server. If the LU you are defining will engage only in peer-to-peer sessions, set the address to 0. LU SESSION LIMIT: Specifies the maximum number of concurrently active sessions you want to allow between the local LU and its remote LU. Use decimal numbers only. Page 5 of 6 LOCAL LU CONFIGURATION DATA DETACH PU TYPE: Specifies the manner in which LUs attached by your workstation or server detach from NetWare LU6.2. Values are: 0 - Immediately detaches all LUs attached by a workstation or server if that unit requests immediate detachment. 1 - Detaches all LUs attached by a workstation or server if that unit requests detachment only in the absence of outstanding conversations. Page 6 of 6 SIDE INFORMATION RECORD Specify the name of the side information record that you want to create, view, modify, or delete. * To name a new side information record, type a name (8 characters or less) and press . Use alphanumeric characters only. * To list existing side information records in this file, press . * To select one of the listed records for viewing, modifying, or deleting, use the arrow keys to select the record name and press . Then press again. A description of side information record data follows. Page 1 of 2 SIDE INFORMATION RECORD Each side information record consists of configuration data about the local LU, the remote LU, and the mode used between those two LUs. The Local LU Data screen includes the following data: LU name, PU Name, Network Name, Security Type, User ID, Password, LU Local address, LU session limit, and Detach PU type. The Remote LU Data screen includes the following data: LU Name, Data Link Control Number, Network Adapter Number, Network Adapter Address, LU Session Limit, Max Logical Record Size, Character Set, Local Program Name, and Remote Program Name. The Mode Configuration Data screen includes the following data: Mode Name, Max Negotiable Session Limit, Automatic Activate Session Limit, Min Contention Winners Source, Min Contention Winners Target, Pacing Size, Min RU Size, CNOS Flags, and CNOS Termination Set. Page 2 of 25 REMOTE LU CONFIGURATION DATA LU Name: The name (8 or fewer characters) that identifies the partner LU to NetWare LU6.2. Use only uppercase letters, numbers, or the character $, #, and @. The first character must not be numeric. Data Link Control Name: Gives the Data Link Control identification needed for communicating with the remote LU. Values are: ITRN, SDLC, or COAX. Descriptions follow. Page 1 of 8 REMOTE LU CONFIGURATION DATA ITRN Use this value for the following remote locations: (1) The remote LU is located in a workstation that is supported by the same server as your workstation. Both Network Adapter Number and Network Adapter Address must be set to 0. (2) The remote LU is located in a host accessed via a token ring network adapter to an IBM 3174 control unit or an IBM 3725/3745 communications controller. The Network Adapter Address must be set to the 3714 or 37x5 node address. (3) The remote LU is located in another server that is connected to the same token ring network as your server. The Network Adapter Address must be set to the token ring node address of the remote LU's server. Page 2 of 8 REMOTE LU CONFIGURATION DATA (4) The remote and local LU's are running on the same server. SDLC - Use this value to establish a workstation-to-host or server-to-host connection via either a coaxial or a Synchronous Data Link Control adapter. COAX - Use this value to establish a workstation-to-host or server-to-hos connection via a coaxial connection to a 3174/3274 control unit. NetWare LU6.2 defaults to COAX if you specify SDLC and no SDLC adapter is present. Network Adapter Number: Determines whether the token ring network adapter (in your server), by which the remote LU is accessed is primary (0) or alternate (1). If you specify a peer-to-peer connection, set this field to 0. Page 3 of 8 REMOTE LU CONFIGURATION DATA Network Adapter Address: Specifies the remote LU's adapter address. If the remote LU is located in a workstation supported by a server, set this parameter to the 6-byte locally administered token ring address of the remote LU's server. If both workstations are supported by the same server, set this parameter to binary zero (000000000000). If the remote LU is located in a host accessed via a coaxial cable or SDLC gateway server, set this parameter to binary zero (000000000000). If the remote and local LU's are located on the same server, set this parameter to binary zero (000000000000). Page 4 of 8 REMOTE LU CONFIGURATION DATA If the remote LU is located in a host accessed by the NetWare token ring gateway server, set this parameter to the 6-byte locally-administered address of the connected 3174/37x5 (for example: 40010020abef). LU Session Limit: The maximum number of concurrently active sessions you will allow between the local LU and remote LU. Max Logical Record Size: Specifies the maximum logical record size a mapped conversation can use when building a logical record. Specify a decimal value between 0 and 32767. The default value, 0, is converted to the maximum record size, 32767. Values of 1, 2, or 3 are converted to 4. Page 5 of 8*- REMOTE LU CONFIGURATION DATA Character Set: Specifies one of three character sets for character conversion from EBCIDIC to ASCII or from ASCII to EBCIDIC. Values are 0, 1, or 2. 0 specifies the following set: lower-cased a-z; numerics 0-9; and special characters $,#,@, and (.). No restrictions of position of characters. Trailing blanks are allowed. 1 specifies the following set: lower-cased a-z; uppercase A-Z; numerics 0-9, and special characters $, #, and @. When converting ASCII to EBCIDIC lowercase is converted to uppercase; when converting in either direction, the first character can not be numeric, trailing blanks are allowed. Page 6 of 8 REMOTE LU CONFIGURATION DATA 2 specifies the following set: any kind of character allowed, but under the following conditions: * You have provided a proper conversion code table to NetWare LU6.2. * You have customized NetWare LU6.2 for that table. Local Program Name: Specifies the name of the NetWare LU6.2 program associated with the local LU. The maximum length is 64 characters. Page 7 of 8 REMOTE LU CONFIGURATION DATA Remote Program Name: Specifies the name of the NetWare LU6.2 program associated with the remote LU. The maximum length is 64 characters. Page 8 of 8 MODE FILE CONFIGURATION DATA Mode Name: The name (8 or fewer characters) you create to identify the partner LU to NetWare LU6.2. Use only uppercase letters, numbers, or the characters $, #, and @. The first character must not be numeric. Max Negotiable Session Limit: Specifies the number of sessions you want to permit a CNOS verb to specify for the local LU and the remote LU using this mode. The actual maximum may be a smaller value, depending on the results of CNOS negotiation. Specify using decimal values. Page 1 of 13 MODE FILE CONFIGURATION DATA Automatic Activate Session Limit: Specifies the number of contention-winner sessions from the local LU that NetWare LU6.2 automatically activates during the CPI-C application subsystem process. Specify a decimal number. Page 2 of 13 MODE FILE CONFIGURATION DATA Min Contention Winners Source: Specifies the minimum number of sessions that will guarantee the source (i.e. local) LU to be the session contention winner. Specify a decimal number greater than or equal to 0. Min Contention Winners Target: Specifies the minimum number of sessions that will guarantee the target(i.e. remote) LU to be the session contention winner. Specify a decimal number greater than or equal to 0. Page 3 of 13g; MODE FILE CONFIGURATION DATA Pacing Size: Specifies the maximum number of SNA messages that the local LU can receive without sending a pacing response. Serves as a form of buffer control. Values are integers 0 through 63. 0 directs NetWare LU6.2 not to use any pacing. Max RU Size: Defines the maximum Request Unit (RU) sizes that may be used by sessions that have this mode. Specify integers from 16 to 4096. For efficiency, a minimum setting of 256 is recommended. Page 4 of 13 MODE FILE CONFIGURATION DATA Min RU Size: Defines the minimum Request Unit (RU) sizes that may be used by sessions that have this mode. Specify integers from 16 to 4096. For efficiency, a minimum setting of 256 is recommended. CNOS Flags: Specifies a combination of four field settings for the APPC CNOS Flag parameter: Mode_Name_Select_One or Mode_Name_Select_All, Set_Negotiable_Yes or Set_Negotiable_No, Initiated_Yes or Initiated_No, and Sync_Level_None or Sync_Level_Confirm. Functions of the above settings follow: Page 5 of 13 MODE FILE CONFIGURATION DATA Mode_Name_Select_One - Specifies that only the mode name defined in the NetWare LU6.2 CNOS function call will be affected by changes to session limits and polarities. Mode_Name_Select_All - Specifies that all session limits and polarities for all mode names that belong to the target(i.e. remote) LU shall be changed. Set_Negotiable_No - Does not allow NetWare LU6.2 to override session limits. Set_Negotiable_Yes - Allows NetWare LU6.2 to override session limits. Page 6 of 137E MODE FILE CONFIGURATION DATA Initiated_Yes - Indicates that the CPIC application subsystem initiates a CNOS call for this mode file. Initiated_No - Indicates that the CPI-C application subsystem does not initiate a CNOS call for this mode file. Sync_Level_None - Specifies no synchronization level between the local transaction program and the remote transaction program. Sync_Level_Confirm - Specifies the confirm synchronization level between the local and remote transaction. Page 7 of 13 MODE FILE CONFIGURATION DATA Acceptable values for CNOS FLAGS and the settings they specify are listed below: 0 - Mode_Name_Select_One; Set_negotiable_No; Initiated_No; Sync_Level_None 1 - Mode_Name_Select_All; Set_negotiable_No; Initiated_No; Sync_Level_None 2 - Mode_Name_Select_One; Set_Negotiable_Yes; Initiated_No;Sync_Level_None 3 - Mode_Name_Select_All; Set_Negotiable_Yes; Initiated_No;Sync_Level_None 4 - Mode_Name_Select_One; Set_Negotiable_No; Initiated_Yes;Sync_Level_None 5 - Mode_Name_Select_All; Set_Negotiable_No; Initiated_Yes;Sync_Level_None 6 - Mode_Name_Select_One; Set_Negotiable_Yes; Initiated_Yes; Sync_Level_None 7 - Mode_Name_Select_All; Set_Negotiable_Yes; Initiated_Yes; Sync_Level_None 8 - Mode_Name_Select_One; Set_Negotiable_No; Initiated_No; Sync_Level_Confirm Page 8 of 13 MODE FILE CONFIGURATION DATA 9 - Mode_Name_Select_All; Set_Negotiable_No; Initiated_No; Sync_Level_Confirm 10 - Mode_Name_Select_One; Set_Negotiable_Yes; Initiated_No; Sync_Level_Confirm 11 - Mode_Name_Select_All; Set_Negotiable_Yes; Initiated_No; Sync_Level_Confirm 12 - Mode_Name_Select_One; Set_Negotiable_No; Initiated_Yes; Sync_Level_Confirm 13 - Mode_Name_Select_All; Set_Negotiable_No; Initiated_Yes; Sync_Level_Confirm 14 - Mode_Name_Select_One; Set_Negotiable_Yes; Initiated_Yes Sync_Level_Confirm 15 - Mode_Name_Select_All; Set_Negotiable_Yes; Initiated_Yes Sync_Level_Confirm Page 9 of 13:O MODE FILE CONFIGURATION DATA CNOS Termination Set: Specifies a combination of three field settings for the CNOS Flag parameter: Responsible_Source or Responsible_Target; Drain_Source_Yes or Drain_Source_No Drain_Target_Yes or Drain_Target_No Functions of the possible settings follow: Responsible_Source Specifies that the source LU is solely responsible for deactivating sessions. Responsible_Target Specifies that the target LU is initially responsible for deactivating sessions. The target LU can negotiate this responsibility with the source LU and make the source LU responsible. Page 10 of 13 MODE FILE CONFIGURATION DATA Drain_Source_No - Does not allow the source LU to void its allocation requests. Drain_Source_Yes - Allows the source LU to void its allocation requests. Drain_Target_No - Does not allow the target LU to void its allocation requests. Drain_Target_Yes - Allows the target LU to void its allocation requests. Page 11 of 13nT MODE FILE CONFIGURATION DATA Acceptable values for CNOS Termination and the settings they specify are: 0 - Responsible_Source; Drain_Source_No; Drain_Target_No 1 - Responsible_Source; Drain_Source_No; Drain_Target_Yes 2 - Responsible_Source; Drain_Source_Yes; Drain_Target_No 3 - Responsible_Source; Drain_Source_Yes; Drain_Target_Yes 4 - Responsible_Target; Drain_Source_No; Drain_Target_No 5 - Responsible_Target; Drain_Source_No; Drain_Target_Yes 6 - Responsible_Target; Drain_Source_Yes; Drain_Target_No 7 - Responsible_Target; Drain_Source_Yes; Drain_Target_Yes Page 12 of 13 MODE FILE CONFIGURATION DATA SAA Service Profile Name: Specifies an SAA Service Profile to be used for this session. The name can be from 1 to 8 characters long. This field applies only to side information files used by the CPIC NLM in the Netware Communication Services environment. It is not required for side information files used by CPI-C programs at the DOS-based NetWare 3270 Workstation. An SAA service profile is a collection of information about the server's connection to the SNA host as well as the sessions to be obtained through that connection. For example, the service profile specifies the number of LUs available on the host, the types of LUs available, and the users authorized to use the LUs. Page 13 of 13 Exit Side Information File Command If you are finished using the Side Information File utility, answer YES; otherwise, answer NO or press . No changes will be lost by exiting at this point. Page 1 of 1 Create A Side Information File Type the name of the side information file that you want to create and press . If the file is in not in the current directory, you must include the path of the file name. For example, "c:\cpi\Example.cpi". The filename extension must be "cpi". Page 1 of 1 Create A Side Information File Editing A Side Information File Type the name of the side information file you want to edit and press . If the file is not in the current directory, include the path of the filename. To list all side information files in the current directory, press . Page 1 of 1 Add A Side Information Record This command creates a new side information record that will be saved in the side information file. The side information record name must be unique among all other side information records contained in the current side information file. Page 1 of 1 Delete A Side Information Record Type the name of the side information record that you want to delete from the side infor- mation file and then press . To list all the side information records in the side information file, press . Page 1 of 1 Modify A SIde Information Record Type the name of the side information record you want to modify and press . To list all side information records in the side information file, press . Page 1 of 1 Display A Side Information Record Enter the name of the side information record you want to display and press . To list all the side information records in the side information file, press . Page 1 of 1